The nature of life is that we are ever evolving into the fullest version of ourselves because we have a uniquely powerful purpose to fulfill at every stage of our lives. Once we release from mistaken notions about who we are ‘supposed‘ to be and simply embrace who we are by our very design, our journeys can become much more easeful and inviting. The key lies in reconnecting to the most innate, natural aspects of ourselves, so we can move forward on stable footing into our next phase of inspired living.
As a transformational guide, I operate under a prevailing paradigm that our desires and preferences are keys that unlock our deepest sense of purpose and our highest level of positive impact on the world around us. As such, I focus on what it is a client is wanting to experience in her life at a given time. Often when we begin, she feels she's lost touch with what she truly desires, so reconnecting with this part of herself is the perfect place for us to start our work together.
I’ve played a variety of roles in my life, many of which have brought tremendous satisfaction because they’ve emanated from who I truly am. And some of them have not. What I’ve found is that each time I’ve strayed from my true nature, I've had to allow the excess to burn away ... which sounds simple enough, but the process has been harrowing and the flames excruciatingly hot. Maybe you can relate.
In every instance I’ve risen from the ashes, the wiser for the experience and pretty darned sure I had figured out the problem. However, I've come to learn at long last that there’s nothing about being true to myself that requires figuring out. My magic is built right into my motherboard, just like yours is.
I’m the wife of a great guy and mom of two wonderful adults. I grew up on the San Francisco Peninsula (kid number 8 of 8), and eight years ago my husband and I relocated to beautiful Sonoma County, California.
I’ve enjoyed working exclusively with women for the past 16 years, beginning with owning/operating Serenity Wellness for Women in San Mateo, CA, from 2009 to 2016, where I provided holistic therapies, as well as health and life coaching.
I went on to build and operate a teaching venue for women entrepreneurs, create & deliver transformative group coaching programs, and I’ve recently registered with Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200. Believe me, there’s more—almost too many to remember. Let’s just say I’ve tried on more than a few professional hats.
I also have a huge heart for writing, editing and publishing and have woven these skills into my entire professional life. This in turn has led to my role as a podcast host & producer, which I still enjoy today.
And—oh, yes—I was indeed a court stenographer for 18 years, beginning in my twenties.
"Nancy is a kindred spirit. She has a deep inner knowing that clearly guides her intuition during sessions. She kept coaching fun and fulfilling all at the same time. I'd highly recommend Nancy to anyone looking for a deep and meaningful experience of themselves, the process and connection to another.
"Nancy has a deep commitment to serenity and transformation. She acknowledges the parts inside of you until you are able to honor and acknowledge them yourself. There is a very sincere and delicate approach to Nancy's guidance. I felt love, safety and belonging all the way through my coaching experience.
"Nancy has a deep understanding of reciprocation. She is mindful of the give and take process and a teacher of self-awareness around where we hold and where we release. In one session with Nancy, I was able to have a breakthrough around an old part of mine that needed an upgrade to a role that better serves me now. I still use the image we created that session to empower myself on an almost daily basis. Powerful!"
Beverly Sartain, Transformational Coach